Clouds and Trees logo

The New "Clouds and Trees" Logo

Clouds and Trees is a consulting blog; the site’s name is a reference to the analysis “Cloud” and “Tree” charts that make up much of the problem-solving process.

The logo uses a more literal combination of images rather than incorporating aspects of these charts, in the interest of providing a cleaner logo.

Initial Prototypes

Prototype "Clouds and Trees" Logos

Three distinct versions of the logo were developed as prototypes; of the three, the last one was given the green light to go ahead and refine, keeping the “handwritten” look but with a less “scribbly” overall feel.

Second Round Prototypes

Refined Prototypes with Different Fonts

This round was “closer, but not quite” — the words weren’t supposed to touch the  “art” sections, and the curlicues from the original sketch had to be removed to further distinguish them from the words and clarify the logo. Along with a change in font face, these edits made their way into the final version (shown above).